Jani Leinonen: The School of Disobedience
September 4, 2015 - January 31, 2016
While finding its way into headlines, Jani Leinonen’s work also spotlights social ills and challenges people to take action.
​Jani Leinonen’s exhibition opening in Kiasma in September 2015 is build around a new piece called The School of Disobedience. It is not only a real school, but a metaphor for the entire show, a retrospective of his work to date. Leinonen will invite famous Finnish and international opinion leaders and activists to serve as lecturers in the school. Visitors are given the role of students.
Through his art, he wants to awaken critical thinking in viewers, yet at the same time his criticism is an audacious play with familiar symbols, laced with irreverent humour, and merciless also towards the logic of the art market.